Mehdi Safavi

IELTS Juice Online Academy

The Mystery of True False and Not Given

The Mystery of True False and Not Given

More practice on True False Not Given questionsYou can't take an IELTS reading test without bumping into some T/F/NG questions, and perhaps one of the most challenging reading question types taking away your lovely 7.0 is this one! Let's have some practice in this...

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Learn English via Instagram

Learn English via Instagram

Instagram can be a valuable English learning tool Instagram is not an English learning application (and you already knew that!), but if you look at it from a different perspective, it can turn into a convenient English learning tool, especially for IELTS candidates!...

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English Jokes

English Jokes

Learn English and have fun Enjoy learning English; that is what I always tell my students. You shouldn’t really take English lessons like medicine! One way to have fun with English is listening to English jokes and telling them to your friends. Why Jokes? For one...

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Refugee Crisis – a model essay

Refugee Crisis – a model essay

This is the Secondary TitleThis week, we have decided to write a discussion-led essay on the polices regarding the global refugee crisis. Remember! It is always a good idea to read extensively about current events. Writer's Mind Map In the wake of the Syrian civil...

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Is Google Translate really that bad?

Is Google Translate really that bad?

How to benefit from Google translate? Google Translate is the best translation app available for smartphones today, and you probably have it installed on your devices. As the name suggests, it is meant to be used for translation, NOT language learning! Let's see what...

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Skim it or Scan it?

Skim it or Scan it?

The most useful tecnique in reading  Reading is normally regarded as a tough skill. Of course it would be difficult if you had to read every single word in a text to be able to collect the information you need and answer the questions; however, using the right tools -...

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We are an international team of English teachers, IELTS experts and web developers based in Georgia offering online educational services.

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Coquitlam, BC, Canada

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