Full Video Interview: Questions and Answers

A full IELTS Speaking Interview Sample

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Presented By: Mehdi Safavi

Presented By: Mehdi Safavi

August 12, 2024

What’s your name?

My name is Jack Thompson.

Where are you from?

I’m from Sydney, Australia. It’s a vibrant city known for its beautiful beaches, iconic landmarks like the Sydney Opera House, and a lively cultural scene.


The examiner asks you about yourself, your home, work or studies, and other familiar topics.



Do you have a favourite café? [Why/Why not?]

Yes, I do have a favorite café. It’s a small, cozy place near my apartment that serves great coffee and has a relaxed atmosphere. I like going there because it’s quiet enough to read or work, and the staff are always friendly. They also make an excellent avocado toast, which is a bonus.

Do you often go to cafés by yourself? [Why/Why not?]

I do occasionally visit cafés on my own. I enjoy the time to myself, whether it’s to read a book, catch up on some work, or just relax with a good cup of coffee. It’s a nice way to take a break and unwind without distractions. Plus, I find the atmosphere in cafés to be quite conducive to thinking and reflecting.

What do you think helps to make a café very popular? [Why?]

In my opinion, a café becomes popular when it offers a combination of great coffee, a welcoming atmosphere, and excellent service. People are drawn to places where they feel comfortable and can enjoy a quality product. Consistency is key—customers want to know they’ll get the same good experience every time they visit. I also think that a unique or appealing décor can attract people, as well as having a good location that’s convenient for customers. Ultimately, it’s about creating a space where people want to spend time, whether they’re meeting friends, working, or just relaxing.

Why do some people prefer cafés that are part of large chains, rather than small, local cafés?

I believe some people prefer large chain cafés because of the familiarity and consistency they offer. When you go to a chain café, you generally know what to expect in terms of menu options, quality, and service, no matter where you are. This can be comforting, especially when traveling or in a hurry. Additionally, chain cafés often have loyalty programs and conveniences like mobile ordering, which appeal to regular customers. On the other hand, some people might feel that chain cafés are more reliable in terms of cleanliness and availability, as they are usually located in convenient areas and have extended hours.


Describe a place you visited that has beautiful views.
You should say:
    where this place is
    when and why you visited it
    what views you can see from this place
and explain why you think these views are so beautiful.

You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.
You have one minute to think about what you are going to say.
You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

One place I visited that has absolutely stunning views is the Blue Mountains in New South Wales, Australia. This region is about a two-hour drive from Sydney, and I visited it last year during the spring. I went there with a few friends for a weekend getaway, primarily to escape the city and enjoy some nature.

The Blue Mountains are famous for their dramatic cliffs, eucalyptus forests, and waterfalls. From the lookouts, like Echo Point, you can see the iconic Three Sisters rock formation, which is one of the most photographed spots in the area. The view stretches out over the expansive Jamison Valley, with layers of rugged mountains covered in dense greenery, and the distant blue haze caused by the eucalyptus trees releasing oil into the air.

I find these views incredibly beautiful because they offer a sense of vastness and tranquility that’s hard to find in the city. The contrast of the rocky cliffs against the lush, green valley below creates a breathtaking landscape. The colors, especially at sunrise or sunset, are vibrant and ever-changing, making the scene feel almost magical. Being surrounded by such natural beauty was a refreshing and humbling experience, reminding me of the incredible landscapes that Australia has to offer.


The examiner asks you about yourself, your home, work or studies, and other familiar topics.

Discussion Topics

The beauty industry

Do you agree that most beauty products are a waste of money?

I wouldn’t say that most beauty products are a waste of money, but it really depends on the individual and their needs. For some people, beauty products can be an important part of their self-care routine and can boost their confidence. Products like skincare essentials, sunscreen, and quality makeup can provide real benefits when used correctly. However, I do think that some products are overhyped and may not deliver on their promises, leading to unnecessary spending. It’s important for consumers to be discerning and choose products that genuinely work for them, rather than just following trends or marketing. Ultimately, it’s about finding a balance and investing in what makes you feel good and suits your personal needs.

How does the beauty industry advertise its products so successfully?

In my view, the beauty industry succeeds in advertising by using a blend of emotional appeal, strategic endorsements, and targeted marketing. They often collaborate with influencers and celebrities to promote their products, leveraging their influence to create a sense of credibility and desirability. The industry also taps into the emotional aspects of beauty, promising not just physical enhancement but also confidence and self-expression. Additionally, beauty brands are adept at using visually striking packaging and branding, which draws attention and makes the products feel luxurious. They also effectively utilize social media and digital marketing to reach specific demographics, ensuring their message resonates with the right audience.

What do you think of the view that beauty products should not be advertised to children?

I agree with the view that beauty products should not be advertised to children. At a young age, children are still developing their sense of self and are particularly impressionable. Advertising beauty products to them can promote unrealistic beauty standards and create unnecessary pressure to conform to certain appearances. It can also lead to an early focus on physical appearance, which might affect their self-esteem and priorities. Children should be encouraged to value their inner qualities and develop a healthy self-image, free from the influence of beauty product marketing. It’s important to protect their mental and emotional well-being by limiting exposure to such advertisements until they’re mature enough to understand the messages critically.

Beauty and culture

Why do many people equate youth with beauty?

Many people equate youth with beauty largely due to cultural and societal influences that have long idealized youthful appearance. Youth is often associated with vitality, health, and freshness, traits that are commonly celebrated and desired in various cultures. Media and advertising perpetuate this connection by frequently showcasing young, attractive individuals as the standard of beauty. Additionally, the natural signs of aging, such as wrinkles and gray hair, are sometimes viewed negatively, reinforcing the idea that maintaining a youthful appearance is desirable. This cultural emphasis on youth can lead to the perception that beauty is inherently tied to looking young, even though true beauty encompasses a much broader range of qualities.

Do you think that being beautiful could affect a person's success in life?

I do think that being perceived as beautiful can influence a person's success in life, though it shouldn't be the case. Studies have shown that individuals who are considered attractive often receive more positive attention and are sometimes judged more favorably in social and professional settings. This can lead to advantages like better job prospects, higher salaries, and more social opportunities. However, it’s important to recognize that these advantages are based on societal biases, not the actual abilities or worth of a person. While beauty might open some doors, long-term success is usually determined by qualities like talent, hard work, and character. It’s crucial to value and cultivate those traits over appearance.

Why might society's ideas about beauty change over time?

Society’s ideas about beauty change over time due to a variety of cultural, social, and technological influences. As different cultures and subcultures gain prominence, their ideals and standards can reshape mainstream perceptions of beauty. For example, the globalization of media has introduced a more diverse range of beauty standards, challenging traditional norms. Social movements, such as body positivity and inclusivity, also play a role by advocating for broader and more inclusive definitions of beauty that go beyond conventional stereotypes.

Advancements in technology and changes in fashion trends also impact beauty ideals. The rise of social media and digital editing tools has created new standards of beauty, often emphasizing more curated and idealized images. Additionally, shifts in societal values, such as a greater emphasis on health and wellness, can also influence what is considered beautiful. Overall, beauty standards are fluid, reflecting the evolving cultural landscape and societal priorities.

Useful Words from the Interview

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The Expert and Presenter

About the Author

About the Author

CEO and Co-founder of Juice Academy

Mehdi Safavi is a Cambridge certified English teacher (CELTA Grade A), IDP-trained IELTS expert, Sussex Downs College TESOL with 17+ years of teaching & teacher training experience. More about him →

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