Full Video Interview: Questions and Answers

A full IELTS Speaking Interview Sample

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Presented By: Mehdi Safavi

Presented By: Mehdi Safavi

August 7, 2024

What’s your name?

My name is Ryan Cooper.

Where are you from?

I’m originally from San Diego, California. It’s a coastal city known for its beautiful beaches and pleasant weather year-round.


The examiner asks you about yourself, your home, work or studies, and other familiar topics.


Travelling by plane

Have you travelled a lot by plane? [To where?/Why not?]

Yes, I’ve done quite a bit of air travel, mostly for work and vacations. I’ve flown to several places across the U.S., like New York and Chicago, as well as international destinations such as London and Tokyo. Traveling by plane has been necessary for me because of the distance and the convenience it offers for reaching these locations quickly.

Why do you think some people enjoy travelling by plane?

I think many people enjoy air travel because it offers a sense of excitement and adventure, as it often means they’re heading to a new or interesting destination. The speed and efficiency of flying are also appealing, especially when covering long distances that would be impractical by other means. Additionally, the experience of being in the air, seeing the world from above, and enjoying the amenities on board can make the journey itself enjoyable for some.

Would you like to live near an airport? [Why/Why not?]

I wouldn’t particularly want to live close to an airport. While the convenience of being near an airport could be a benefit, especially for frequent travelers, the noise from planes taking off and landing could be disruptive. Additionally, the traffic around airports can be hectic, which might make daily life a bit more stressful. I prefer living in a quieter area, even if it means a slightly longer commute to the airport when I need to travel.

In the future, do you think that you will travel by plane more often? [Why/Why not?]

I anticipate that I might travel by plane more frequently in the future. As my career progresses, there could be more opportunities for international work or conferences, which would require flying. Additionally, I enjoy exploring new places, so if time and resources allow, I’d like to visit more countries and experience different cultures. That said, I’ll also be mindful of the environmental impact of air travel and might balance it with other modes of transportation when possible.


Describe a person from your country who has won a prize, award or medal.
You should say:
    who this person is
    which prize, award or medal they received
    what they did to win this
and explain whether you think it was right that this person received this prize, award or medal.

You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.
You have one minute to think about what you are going to say.
You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

One person from my country who has won a notable award is Malala Yousafzai. Although she’s originally from Pakistan, she became a citizen of Canada and was awarded honorary Canadian citizenship, along with the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize in 2014.

Malala received the Nobel Peace Prize for her courageous advocacy of girls’ education in the face of extreme adversity. At a young age, she began speaking out against the Taliban’s efforts to deny girls an education in her home region of Swat Valley, Pakistan. Despite facing death threats, she continued her activism, which tragically led to an assassination attempt when she was just 15 years old. Miraculously, she survived the attack and, rather than being silenced, she became an even more prominent global advocate for education and women’s rights.

In addition to the Nobel Peace Prize, Malala has received numerous other awards and honors, reflecting the widespread recognition of her efforts and the impact she has had on global education initiatives.

I believe it was absolutely right for Malala to receive these honors, particularly the Nobel Peace Prize. Her bravery and unwavering commitment to advocating for education under such dangerous circumstances are truly inspiring. She has used her platform to amplify the voices of millions of girls around the world who are denied their basic right to education. Malala’s work continues to have a profound influence, and she fully deserves the recognition she has received for her contributions to global peace and education.


The examiner asks you about yourself, your home, work or studies, and other familiar topics.

Discussion Topics

Rewards for children at school

What types of school prizes do children in your country receive?

In my country, children receive a variety of school prizes that recognize different achievements and contributions. Academic awards are common, such as honor roll certificates, which are given to students who achieve high grades or excel in particular subjects like math, science, or literature. There are also awards for extracurricular activities, such as sports trophies for athletic accomplishments or medals for participation in school clubs and competitions.

Additionally, schools often give out character-based awards, like citizenship or leadership awards, to students who demonstrate qualities such as kindness, responsibility, or community involvement. Some schools also have prizes for perfect attendance, recognizing students who have not missed any days of school during the academic year. These awards are meant to encourage and reward students for their efforts, both academically and personally, helping to foster a positive and motivating school environment.

What do you think are the advantages of rewarding schoolchildren for good work?

Rewarding schoolchildren for good work has several advantages. Firstly, it provides positive reinforcement, encouraging students to continue putting in effort and striving for excellence. When children receive recognition for their hard work, it boosts their self-esteem and confidence, which can motivate them to maintain or improve their performance.

Rewards also help to establish a culture of achievement within the school, where students see that dedication and effort are valued and rewarded. This can inspire others to work harder as well. Additionally, rewards can help children develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments and foster a love of learning, as they see the tangible benefits of their efforts. Finally, recognizing students' achievements can strengthen their intrinsic motivation, helping them to develop a strong work ethic and a positive attitude towards challenges. Overall, rewarding good work helps create an encouraging and supportive learning environment that benefits both individual students and the school community as a whole.

Do you agree that it's more important for children to receive rewards from their parents than from teachers?

I think both types of rewards are important, but they serve different purposes. Rewards from parents are crucial because they help strengthen the bond between parent and child, and they reinforce the values that parents want to instill. When children receive praise or rewards from their parents, it can have a deep emotional impact, providing them with a sense of security and love, which is essential for their overall development.

On the other hand, rewards from teachers carry a different kind of significance. They validate a child's efforts in a more public or academic setting, helping them understand the importance of hard work and achievement in a broader context outside the home. Recognition from teachers can also encourage children to take pride in their work and build confidence in their abilities among their peers.

Ultimately, both forms of recognition are valuable and play complementary roles in a child's development. The key is balance—children benefit most when they receive consistent support and encouragement from both their parents and teachers.

Rewards for sportspeople

Do you think that some sportspeople (e.g., top footballers) are paid too much money?

Yes, I do think that some sportspeople, particularly top footballers, are paid extremely high salaries, which can seem excessive compared to other professions. While they possess exceptional talent and bring in significant revenue through endorsements, ticket sales, and media rights, the disparity between their earnings and those of professionals in fields like education, healthcare, or public service can be striking. However, their pay is largely market-driven, reflecting the immense popularity and commercial success of the sports industry. It's a complex issue, as their salaries are tied to the entertainment value and economic impact they generate.

Should everyone on a team get the same prize money when they win?

In team sports, it's generally fair for everyone on the team to share in the prize money when they win, as success is usually the result of collective effort. Every player, whether they're a star or a role player, contributes to the overall performance of the team, and recognizing this through equal prize distribution fosters a sense of unity and teamwork. However, in some cases, individual contributions or roles might be valued differently, which can lead to performance-based bonuses or incentives. Ultimately, the approach to prize distribution should reflect the team's values and the nature of the sport, balancing fairness with recognition of individual efforts.

Do you agree with the view that, in sport, taking part is more important than winning?

I agree that taking part in sport is often more important than winning, especially when considering the broader benefits of participation. Engaging in sports promotes physical fitness, teamwork, discipline, and resilience, all of which are valuable life skills that go beyond the outcome of a game. While winning can be a great motivator and bring a sense of achievement, the lessons learned from simply participating—like how to handle challenges, improve through practice, and build relationships—are often more enduring and impactful. Sports are also about enjoyment, personal growth, and the camaraderie that comes with being part of a team, which are all experiences that can be just as rewarding as winning.

Useful Words from the Interview

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The Expert and Presenter

About the Author

About the Author

CEO and Co-founder of Juice Academy

Mehdi Safavi is a Cambridge certified English teacher (CELTA Grade A), IDP-trained IELTS expert, Sussex Downs College TESOL with 17+ years of teaching & teacher training experience. More about him →

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