Mehdi Safavi

IELTS Juice Online Academy

Conditional sentences in a nutshell

Conditional sentences in a nutshell

Summary of conditional formsWe have all learned about conditional sentence types during years of English learning, but have you ever had the chance to compare them all in one table?Do you have any questions about conditional sentences? Leave a comment below and...

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I Speak English. What Next?

I Speak English. What Next?

A lesson on writing a reportEnglish is an official language of almost 60 sovereign states and the most commonly spoken language in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland and New Zealand. If you can read this lesson, you too probably speak...

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What’s a Collocation?

What’s a Collocation?

Words that go togetherA collocation is a pair or group of words that are often used together. These combinations sound natural to native speakers, but students of English have to make a special effort to learn them because they are often difficult to guess. For...

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Oh no! Not another test!

Oh no! Not another test!

About standardized tests and moreHave you ever felt that you were just studying to pass a test? Today many schools and companies around the world use standardized tests such as the TOEFL test to measure students’ abilities. Thousands of people every year take these...

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skim-read and laugh!

skim-read and laugh!

This is the Secondary TitleDo you know anything about skimming? It is not just a reading strategy; you may do this in everyday life. For example, as soon as you buy a newspaper, you skim through it by reading the headlines and looking at the pictures. Now, are you...

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The book of questions

The book of questions

300 questions for speaking practiceThis is a book for personal growth, a tool for deepening relationships, a lively conversation starter for the family dinner table, and a fun way to pass the time in the car. It poses over 300 questions that invite people to explore...

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Countdown to the IELTS Test

Countdown to the IELTS Test

Keep Calm and Revise Before Your IELTS TestWe know how you feel in the weeks leading up to the IELTS exam! And we also know very well what you should do for success. That is why we have prepared an exclusive package called "Countdown to the IELTS Test" for all 4 IELTS...

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What is euphemism?

What is euphemism?

Words can wound. Words can healWould you like it if someone called you 'fat'?! How about 'overweight'? A euphemism is a word (or series of words) which replaces sad, unpleasant or shocking ideas with softer and nicer expressions. Now let's practice: What do the...

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Coquitlam, BC, Canada

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