Mehdi Safavi
IELTS Juice Online Academy
IELTS Reading Answers Explained | Cambridge IELTS 17 Academic, Test 1, Passage 2
Want BAND 9.0 sample answers for IELTS Speaking Questions? | CAMBRIDGE IELTS 14 Test 1
Useful Upper-Intermediate Vocabulary from this test APPEAL Meaning: To be attractive or interesting. Example: The new movie has a lot of appeal to teenagers. APPROACH Meaning: A way of doing something. Example: Her approach to solving the problem was very effective....
Explaining IELTS reading answers | Cambridge IELTS 18 Academic, Test 1, Passage 1
CAMBRIDGE IELTS 15 TEST 1 | Band 9.0 answers!
Useful Upper-intermediate vocabulary from this speaking test ADDRESSING MEANING: Dealing with or discussing a problem or issue. EXAMPLE: The manager is addressing the issue of late deliveries. ADMINISTRATION MEANING: The group of people who manage and organize an...
Speak like Olivia to get a 9.0 in IELTS speaking | CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16 TEST 4
Useful Vocabulary from this speaking test for Upper-Intermediate Learners **ADAPT** MEANING: To change something to fit a new situation. EXAMPLE: She had to adapt to the cold weather when she moved to Canada. **APPEAL** MEANING: To attract or interest someone....
IELTS speaking 9.0 looks like this! | CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16 TEST 3
Useful vocabulary from this speaking test for upper-intermediate students ASPECTS - Meaning: Different parts or features of something. - Example: One of the important aspects of learning a new language is practice. BARRIERS - Meaning: Things that make it...
Laura from the US scores 9.0 in IELTS speaking | CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16 TEST 2
Useful Upper-Intermediate Level Words ACCURATE - Meaning: Correct and without any mistakes. - Example: The weather report was accurate, so we knew it would rain today. ADDRESSED - Meaning: Dealt with or discussed a problem or issue. - Example: The teacher addressed...
This is what 9.0 in IELTS speaking looks like | CAMBRIDGE IELTS 16 TEST 1
Useful Upper-Intermediate Vocabulary ASPECTS: Different parts or features of something. Example: There are many aspects of learning English, like grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. BARRIERS: Obstacles that prevent progress or make it difficult to achieve...
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