IELTS Writing Task 1 report sample 3380 – Band 4.5

Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 - Report

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The charts show the percentage of energy produced in the USA and UK from different sources.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

The charts show the percentage of energy produced in the USA and UK from different sources.


The writing sample displayed here is the work of IELTS candidates and has been assessed by our team for guidance and practice purposes. These scores are not official IELTS scores.

Candidate’s Response:

The pie charts show the amount of energy manufactured in the USA and the UK from varying sources such as natural gas, coal, nuclear, renewables and others.

It can be seen clearly form from the data that production of energy using natural gas tend to be higher in both the Western countries. More than a third amount of natural gas are is used in the UK USA and in Britain. The emphasis of on using energy as a fuel using renewables in Britain stood stand at a quarter of the total energies combined, whereas it stands at only 15% for the United States.

The use of nuclear energy was is given equal importance in both the US and the UK with 20% and 18%, respectively. However, the US uses fossil fuels as almost twice in amounts generated by almost twice as much as the UK. The consumption of energy in both countries through other sources of energy are is minimal in quantity.

Overall, it can be anticipated that the higher use of fossil fuels by the USA will leave more carbon footprints than the UK.

166 words
Presented By: Kasra Sharifan

Presented By: Kasra Sharifan

September 7, 2024

This is an IELTS writing band 4.5 sample


The writing sample displayed here is the work of IELTS candidates and has been assessed by our team for guidance and practice purposes. These scores are not official IELTS scores.

IELTS Writing Band Descriptors:

Task Achievement (Ac)
4.0 attempts to address the task but does not cover all key features; the format may be inappropriate
5.0 presents, but inadequately covers, key features
4.0 parts may be unclear, irrelevant, repetitive, or inaccurate
5.0 presents no clear overview
Coherence and Cohesion
5.0 presents information with some organization
5.0 there may be a lack of overall progression
5.0 makes inadequate, inaccurate, or over-use of cohesive devices
6.0 may not always use referencing clearly or appropriately
6.0 uses paragraphing, but not always logically
Lexical Resource
5.0 uses a limited range of vocabulary, but this is minimally adequate for the task
6.0 attempts to use less common vocabulary but with some inaccuracy
6.0 makes some errors in spelling and/or word formation
6.0 they do not impede communication
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
5.0 uses only a limited range of structures
5.0 attempts complex sentences but these tend to be less accurate than simple sentences
5.0 makes frequent grammatical errors, and punctuation may be faulty
5.0 errors can cause some difficulty for the reader


Thank you for writing this report. Some details are inaccurately described, such as "More than a third amount of natural gas are used in the UK and in Britain." This repetition and incorrect use of country names reduce clarity. Key details and comparisons are missing or vague, such as the exact percentages for each source of energy. The overview is weak and lacks a clear summary of the main trends.
Numerous grammatical errors, including subject-verb agreement issues ("More than a third amount of natural gas are used") and incorrect pluralization. Sentence structures are often incorrect or incomplete, affecting comprehension. Punctuation is often missing or incorrect, and there are frequent run-on sentences.

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The IELTS Assessor

Kasra Sharifan

Kasra Sharifan

Co-founder and CFO

British Council certified English teacher, IDP-trained IELTS instructor, content writer, editor-in-chief, co-founder, and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at IELTS Juice Online Academy.

The 4.5 sample upgraded to 7.0+

The pie charts compare the proportions of energy produced from various sources in the USA and the UK, including natural gas, coal, nuclear, renewables, and others.
It is evident from the data that natural gas is a prominent source of energy in both countries. In the UK, natural gas accounts for slightly over a third of the total energy production, while in the USA, it is slightly less, making up around 30%. Renewables also play a significant role in the UK, constituting a quarter of the total energy produced. In contrast, the USA generates only 15% of its energy from renewable sources.
Nuclear energy is equally important in both countries, with the UK producing 18% and the USA producing 20% of their energy from this source. However, there is a notable difference in the use of coal. The USA relies heavily on coal, generating nearly twice as much energy from it compared to the UK. Specifically, coal accounts for 30% of the energy production in the USA, whereas it is only 15% in the UK.
Other sources of energy contribute minimally to the overall energy mix in both countries, accounting for around 5% in each.
Overall, the data suggests that the USA's higher dependence on fossil fuels, particularly coal, is likely to result in a larger carbon footprint compared to the UK. In contrast, the UK's greater emphasis on renewable energy sources indicates a more environmentally friendly energy production strategy.
240 words

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