The two maps trace the existing map and a proposed plan for the development of a town centre called Islip. Overall, the town supposed to face the considerable modifications in its buildings and facilities as compared to the current layout.
With regard to the north side of the map, it can be clearly seen that the main development is expected to happen in this area. The country side will be completely removed, and the eight existing shops will be replaced by a bus station, a shopping centre, a car , and a new housing. Moreover, pedestrians only zone has been designed to be replaced the space which currently is a main road. Additionally, the shops located in the south side of the main road will face no change.
Turning to the middle and south parts of the Islip town centre plan, it can be observed that fewer changes will happen to this area. A new housing will be constructed on the southeast. The current parking area on the southeast of the map will be smaller, and the south school and housing will experience no change, except a negligible increase on school size.
A noticeable change in the planned development map is the construction of a dual carriageway which does not exist in the current layout. The Dual carriageway Will be designed to have two ways for exit and entrance to the east and west side with a semi-circle shape all around the Islip town centre.