IELTS Writing Task 1 report sample 2914 – Band 5.5

Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 - Report

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The chart below shows the total number of minutes (in billions) of telephone calls in the UK, divided into three categories, from 1995-2002.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.


The writing sample displayed here is the work of IELTS candidates and has been assessed by our team for guidance and practice purposes. These scores are not official IELTS scores.

Candidate’s Response:

The bar chart illustrates how much the UK residents talked by three different types of telephone (local-fixed line, national and international-fixed line, and mobiles (all calls)) between 1995 and 2007. Units are measured in billion minutes. Overall, local-fixed line was the most popular category among others throughout the period in question.

At the start of the period, local-fixed line had witnessed the highest number of minutes talked with by approximately 72 billion minutes. It increased to around 80 billion minutes and around 85 billion minutes in 1996 and 1997 respectively. In 1998, this amount reached a meagre less than90 billion minutes before it peaked to the top of the given chart at exactly 90 billion minutes in 1999. The trend reversed by the following years to the same number in 1997. In 2001 the number of local-fixed line was the same as that of 1996 and the final year, 2002 reached the lowest number like the number at the beginning of the given period. Despite the changes local-fixed line was the most popular category in a seven-year period.

National and international-fixed line experienced a gradually increase, rising from less than 40 billion minutes in 1995 to precisely 60 billion minutes in both years 2001 and 2002. Likewise there was an upward trend for mobiles (all calls). This category considerably increased to almost four fold at about 4 billion minutes to around 4.4 billion minutes from 1995 to 2002.

238 words
Presented By: Shahab Hosseinzadeh

Presented By: Shahab Hosseinzadeh

May 10, 2024

This is an IELTS writing band 5.5 sample


The writing sample displayed here is the work of IELTS candidates and has been assessed by our team for guidance and practice purposes. These scores are not official IELTS scores.

IELTS Writing Band Descriptors:

Task Achievement (Ac)
5.0 generally addresses the task; the format may be inappropriate in places
7.0 clearly presents and highlights key features
6.0 details may be irrelevant, inappropriate, or inaccurate
9.0 presents a clear overview of main trends, differences, or stages
Coherence and Cohesion
7.0 logically organizes information and ideas
7.0 there is clear progression throughout
6.0 uses cohesive devices effectively, but cohesion within and/or between sentences may be faulty or mechanical
9.0 uses referencing clearly and appropriately throughout
6.0 uses paragraphing, but not always logically
Lexical Resource
7.0 uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision
6.0 attempts to use less common vocabulary but with some inaccuracy
6.0 makes some errors in spelling and/or word formation
5.0 that may cause some difficulty for the reader
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
7.0 uses a variety of complex structures
7.0 produces frequent error-free sentences
6.0 makes some errors in grammar and punctuation
6.0 errors rarely reduce communication


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The 5.5 sample upgraded to 7.0+

The bar chart illustrates the total number of minutes (in billions) spent on three different types of telephone calls (local-fixed line, national and international-fixed line, and mobile) in the UK between 1995 and 2002.
Overall, local-fixed line calls remained the most popular category throughout the period, despite experiencing a decline toward the end. Meanwhile, the use of both national and international-fixed line calls, and mobile calls increased steadily.
At the beginning of the period in 1995, local-fixed line calls accounted for about 72 billion minutes, the highest of any category. This figure increased to just under 90 billion minutes in 1998 and peaked at exactly 90 billion minutes in 1999. However, this trend reversed afterward, and by 2002, the usage had dropped to around 72 billion minutes, similar to the initial value in 1995.
National and international-fixed line calls also saw a consistent rise, growing from about 37 billion minutes in 1995 to 60 billion minutes in 2002. Similarly, mobile calls experienced exponential growth over the period, beginning at approximately 4 billion minutes in 1995 and soaring to 45 billion minutes in 2002, a tenfold increase.
In summary, while local-fixed line calls dominated initially, their usage diminished over time. Conversely, both national and international-fixed line calls, and mobile calls gained popularity significantly, with the latter experiencing the most dramatic growth.
228 words

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