An engaging language technique One of the most engaging language teaching techniques used in teaching grammatical structures is Dictogloss. It requires minimal preparation and equipment and is the most favourite classroom activity with busy teachers. Here's how it...
Mehdi Safavi
IELTS Juice Online Academy
Interview with Sam McCarter about the IELTS exam
Tips for teachers from an authorSam McCarter is the author of a number of textbooks for IELTS published by Macmillan. Some of his books include: IELTS TestBuilder, Improve your IELTS writing, Tips for IELTS and Ready for IELTS. In this interview, he shares valuable...
The IELTS question paper production process
This is the Secondary TitleThe production of IELTS question papers is a lengthy process which includes a number of quality checks. The objective of these checks is to ensure that the material in each test is suitable for the test purpose in terms of topics, focus,...
How do referents work?
A lesson avoiding repetition "I like my cat because the cat is so cute. But the cat is very messy, and I keep putting away the cat's toys. Well, sometimes, I even regret buying the cat." Don't you feel that there is something odd about the cat story?! It doesn't...
Why do we read?
We Read for Different ReasonsWhen you use the word "reading", you usually refer to "looking at written words and understanding what they mean"; however, this is not always what reading means. In fact, there are a number of ways to read, each with a different purpose....
Is General IELTS easier than Academic?
How is General training module different from Academic?You might be in two minds about whether to take the Academic version of IELTS or General Training, but is one really easier than the other? As you already know, IELTS is taken for various purposes: The Academic...
The American Speech Music
Main features of speaking American EnglishA couple of days ago, a young man called me and asked if I could teach him how to speak more efficient English even though he was already at an advanced level of English! He said after living in the US for years, he was not...
What is El niño?
Learn more about El niño By definition, El Niñoa refers to change in the weather that happens every three to seven years, caused by a rise in the temperature of a large area of the Pacific Ocean off the west coast of South America. El Niño has severe effects on the...
Discover your grammar weaknesses
This book improves your English grammar knowledge “I’m not very good in English grammar”, say many English learners, “and I want to improve, but I don’t really know where to start.” In this lesson, we are going to introduce a book to you that will help you to check...
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