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How to use “suggest” correctly
The thing to remember is that you suggest an idea, not the person that you’re making your suggestion to. In other words, this is incorrect:
I suggest you to buy that car.
Instead, say one of these:
I suggest buying that car.
I suggest that you buy that car.
You may also hear sentences that are similar to the last one, but without “that”:
I suggest you buy that car.
In this sentence, it may seem like you’re suggesting a person instead of an idea. But if you examine it more closely, you’re suggesting the complete idea that “you buy that car”:
I suggest (you buy that car).
One other thing to remember: don’t use “to” after suggest:
I suggest to buy that car.
Here are some other examples which use “suggest” correctly:
I would suggest calling them right now.
He suggested I decorate your room for the party.
Didn’t you suggest going on a diet?!
So do you suggest that we learn Spanish instead?
Have you already suggested that your friends subscribe to IELTS Juice lessons?
Now that you know how to use “suggest”, here’s a bonus tip: the word “recommend” works exactly the same way! 🙂

About the Author
CEO and Co-founder of Juice Academy
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