While some people argue that governments should spend public money seeking life on other planets, others completely disagree, considering this initiative a waste of money that could be used to solve more important issues. Some people are probably curious about the existence of other forms of life outside the earth. This could be the reason why they are willing to invest money on in this kind of research. However, public money is that to invest. Consequently, all people should agree to allow such an activity. In my opinion, looking for life on other planets is pointless, since we already have a place to live. In addition, I think that the money we pay to governments should be spent with more responsibility.
Life on other planets, like Mars or Jupiter, is a fascinating and widely discussed topic among people. Some of them show a big interest in discovering if life really exists outside the earth. They wonder, for example, if extra-terrestrial species exist, as well as for other species of human beings. They may be willing to get in touch with them and discover something about their lifestyle. As a consequence, just to satisfy their curiosity, they invest public money on in research and expeditions into space, which are very expensive and reduce the funds of a country. On the other hand, those who are not interested in discovering new forms of life, think that money should address more important and pressing problems that occur on earth. For instance, the renovation of archaeological and historical sites is a really argued issue nowadays, as it is fundamental for tourism. Governments may renovate castles, museums, or historical buildings to allow tourists to visit them. However, this problem cannot be solved if the public funds are wasted on other futile aims.
In my opinion, seeking life elsewhere should not be a primary necessity. Rather than looking for better life conditions outside of the earth, people would better invest money on earth itself, so as to develop a better environment to live by solving the existing problems. For example, we could spend money to improve the education system, providing more competent teachers and well-equipped schools to form the students effectively and raise the level of global education. In addition, people make a huge effort to work and save money. I believe that wasting it for on unnecessary things would only make people angry about governments’ irresponsibility, and this could end up with complaints and protests from the citizens.
To conclude, even though people might sometimes be blinded by curiosity, it is important to think smartly and consciously, to contribute to the development of a collective well-being, which all people can benefit from. Rather than looking for a better place to live, we can make the place where we live a better one. Only this way we can can we live in a good and functional environment.