Some students think that they should do activities that are not related to the university course, but the second group think that they should only study and study about the university course. Considering that people’s success may be in a field other than the academic field, and people’s interest in some cases is not considered for choosing an academic field, it is better to do non-curricular studies as well; I agree with the first group.
According to the opinion of the first group, it is better to have other studies besides university courses. Nowadays, due to the increase in the population, all the people who enter a field may not be able to work in a job related to that field. All psychology students may not be able to become successful psychologists, but they may become successful makeup artists if they try in the field of makeup. In some cases, the field that a person chooses is not because of his interest in that field. Some people may enter the academic field due to the pressure of their families and people’s thinking regarding some jobs that they are not interested in, for example, a student who enters the medical field due to the insistence of his parents who are doctors, but has no interest in it. does not have . Along with his education, he tries to have studies related to his favorite field, which is writing, and attend courses related to it; After he succeeds in writing, he can show his family that he does not need to become a doctor to be successful.
According to the opinion of the second group, one should only focus on university courses while studying at the university. According to them, by focusing on lessons and classes, you can have a better career and be more successful. The best grade is not always enough for success; for example, a student who always has the best grades in the field of architecture and presents very good projects in classes may not have a successful career because he cannot communicate well with others.
According to the explanations, people’s success may be in a field other than the academic field. In some cases, people’s interest is not considered for choosing a field and sometimes it is at the insistence of the family. For some people, it is better to have extracurricular studies for a better job in the future.