Nobody can live without food and no one wants to spend a lot of time for cooking. Therefore, a lot of people choose convenience food to save their time and sometime we can hear that traditional food going to die. I strongly disagree with it.
Often countries and states are using their traditional dishes to attract tourists. They make it part of the brand, like pizza and wine in Italy. Peoples can buy frozen pizza, but everyone prefers fresh right from the oven in Italy. Best convenience pizza can’t be compared with handmade one.
If you open bestsellers at any site where you can buy books online, then you will see cooking books in the top. It shows that people still want to cook by themselves and not only usual dishes. Some of books composed with recipes from computer games or TV series. I have a Warcraft cooking book by myself and it was hard to find. It contains complicated recipes with long preparation time, but it’s nice to eat something new from time to time.
A lot of family and countries traditions include handmade food. People in USA can’t think about thanksgiving day without turkey or in Russia it’s mandatory to have olivie salad at New Year table. A lot of families has their special recepts for this and they passed from generation to generation. It’s hard to think how this can be replaced with convenience food.
To summarize all. I believe that convenient food can’t fully replace traditional. A lot of counries support gastronomical tourism on giverment level. People still buy a lot of cooking books to learn how to cook. And a lot of families have family receipts for traditional parties. People may eat convenient food to save their time, but it can’t replace traditional one.