Firstly, this organized and tidy can force people to be more disciplined than the opposite one. Individuals who would have to put everything in its place, would compe themselves to follow a determined trend which is well-organized. This pattern would inspire then a sense of accuracy which lend them to being more tidy. This sensitiveness can be emerged, for instance, by people who stick to a timetable without any delay.
In addition, when people keep their home and workplace neat, would have a sense of satisfaction. This is because when a place is shipshape and organized. Psychologically, would affect individuals’ mind. Such an effect would calm fellow colleagues in a workstation. Also the people themselves who follow a systematic pattern. In this regard, a survey has reported that people could have arranged their rotine program effectively if they kept their surrounding ordered.
Moreover, by this policy, the citizens can boost their problem-solving skill. By virtue of putting everything in the right position, people would have a well-ordered mindset. Such orderly can give them a focused vision towards other issues which need more attention. For example, a survey has shown that when students have put their books on the book’s shelves, could solve the math problem in the blink of an eye in comparison to when their surroundings have been covered by an unorganized books every direction on the ground.
In conclusion, I believe that keeping home and workplace tidy would be of paramount importance to individuals. This importan is due to disciplined behavious and satisfaction as well as the problem-solving skill which are bought for people.