It is true that there are some great benefits to living in a house, while the drawbacks of it cannot be denied.
There could be several reasons why some people prefer to live in a house rather than a flat. First of all, houses give people more freedom of action. Families living in a villa feel freer to throw parties, have their friends and relatives over, put on music, etc. as they do not need to be worried about the excessive noise caused by such activities. By contrast, people who live in an apartment may have some inconsiderate neighbours who disturb them all the time by making too much noise. Big families tend to be willing to live in a house because it gives the kids more room to play around than a flat does. The children can play together in the yard and invite their friends to join their games. I believe this is a great opportunity for kids to learn social skills, while kids who live in apartments are more likely to become less social or even socially underdeveloped.
However, living in a house also has some drawbacks along. Houses certainly are not as safe and secure as flats. Most apartment buildings have security guards who watch the building throughout day and night. Furthermore, apartments located on higher floors are less likely to get robbed. Another negative point of living in a house is that the maintenance expenses of a house are usually higher than a flat. At the same time, individuals living in a house have to pay higher electricity, water and gas bills.
In conclusion, I am convinced that living in a house has its own pros and cons, and everyone should decide whether to live in a villa or an apartment based on their own priorities and lifestyle.