IELTS Writing Task 1 letter sample 3276 – Band 6.5

General Training IELTS Writing Task 1 - Letter

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You have seen an advertisement from a couple, who live in Australia, for someone to teach their two children your language for a year.
Write a letter to the couple. In your letter
  • explain why you think you would be suitable for the job
  • say what else you could do for the family
  • give your reasons for wanting the job
  • Write at least 150 words.

    You do NOT need to write any addresses.

    Begin your letter as follows:


    The writing sample displayed here is the work of IELTS candidates and has been assessed by our team for guidance and practice purposes. These scores are not official IELTS scores.

    Candidate’s Response:

    Dear Sir and Madam ,

    I am writing to you regarding the issue of teaching French language to your children for the length of one year .

    Concerning why i would be a right person for this job , i lived in France for two years from 2018 to 2020 in order to get my master degree in science , in that time i had to learn French language very fluently ,  So i worked for a charity which helped children to learn subjects like mathematics and i could learn french very well because of having interaction with children . Also , i am very patient person in regard to children , when they could not learn an issue i am very calm and kind towards them and try to explain it very coherently .

    In relation to other services which i could offer , i could teach them mathematics and Computer skill apart from teaching language , for example at spare time . In addition , i could take them out for exercising if you don’t have enough time to do that .

    Regarding why i would like to take this position , i am going to travel Australia for a couple of days later , in order to continue my education at university of sydny which is located at your city and it Could be an excellent opportunity for me to have a job which is my passion and i could cover my costs by doing this job . Moreover , i would like to practice my second language with your children because it’s a good way to keep it in mind .

    I am looking forward to hearing from you in this regard and i will appreciate you if you Consider my request .

    Yours faithfull ,

    303 words
    Presented By: Shahab Hosseinzadeh

    Presented By: Shahab Hosseinzadeh

    February 6, 2024

    This is an IELTS writing band 6.5 sample


    The writing sample displayed here is the work of IELTS candidates and has been assessed by our team for guidance and practice purposes. These scores are not official IELTS scores.

    IELTS Writing Band Descriptors:

    Task Achievement (GT)
    8.0 covers all requirements of the task sufficiently
    8.0 presents, highlights and illustrates bullet points clearly and appropriately
    9.0 details are fully and clearly extended.
    9.0 presents a clear purpose
    Coherence and Cohesion
    9.0 sequences information and ideas logically
    7.0 there is clear progression throughout
    7.0 uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately although there may be some under-/over-use
    9.0 uses referencing clearly and appropriately throughout
    7.0 presents a clear central topic within each paragraph
    Lexical Resource
    7.0 uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision
    7.0 uses less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation
    6.0 makes some errors in spelling and/or word formation
    6.0 they do not impede communication
    Grammatical Range and Accuracy
    7.0 uses a variety of complex structures
    6.0 complex sentences have the same accuracy as the simple ones do
    6.0 makes some errors in grammar and punctuation
    7.0 they do not impede communication


    Thank you indeed for writing this letter. The structure of the letter and the tone are consistent with the rubric’s demands. More attention is needed for referents. The grammar errors do not affect the sentences’ messages, but their quantity is generally quite high. Implementing these two points will boost the letter to a score of 7.0.

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    The 6.5 sample upgraded to 7.0+

    Dear Sir/Madam
    I am writing in response to your advertisement seeking a language teacher for your two children. With a Bachelor's degree in French and three years of experience teaching young learners, I believe my skills align well with the requirements of the position. My teaching philosophy emphasizes interactive and personalized methods, fostering a love for language learning in children.
    Beyond language instruction, I am eager to contribute to your family in various ways. Drawing from my background in arts and crafts, I can organize creative language learning activities to make the lessons enjoyable. Additionally, I am happy to assist with homework support and extracurricular activities, ensuring a holistic approach to your children's development.
    I am enthusiastic about this opportunity as it combines my passion for education, language, and cultural exchange. Being a positive influence on your children's growth and education would be immensely rewarding for me.
    Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your children's educational journey.
    169 words

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