by Shahab Hosseinzadeh | Oct 30, 2023 | Economy and Business, Society and Community, Sports and Leisure, Task 2 essay, Writing samples
Nowadays, museums are one of the most attractions across the world where people can conveniently explore in order to expand their knowledge with regard to the history, politics and as well as nations. In this essay, I will paraphrase with reference to the admission...
by Shahab Hosseinzadeh | Oct 20, 2023 | Economy and Business, Society and Community, Task 2 essay, Writing samples
These days a lot of small shops has closed because clients would go for Mega shopping malls to buy their necessities. this phenomenon would be a negative Trend which I will explain in this essay. on the one hand, this attitude has several negative impacts. firstly the...
by Shahab Hosseinzadeh | Oct 14, 2023 | Economy and Business, Society and Community, Task 2 essay, Writing samples
Nowadays, the umber of shopping centers has in creased. However, this increase causes closing local shops and businesses. There are some reasons why I believe this development is positive. Such malls benefit communities in several ways. First of all, each mall has a...
by Shahab Hosseinzadeh | Oct 10, 2023 | Economy and Business, Society and Community, Task 2 essay, Writing samples
This is more and more online shopping if here on the net which leads sharp to close in the future. I don’t hold this idea because of several reasons which I will Express here. firstly, this idea is not true Because a majority of people would prefer to touch...
by Shahab Hosseinzadeh | Sep 9, 2023 | Economy and Business, Policies and Government, Task 1 report, Writing samples
The pie charts illustrate the share of various fuel sources for producing electricity in France and Australia in 1980 and 2000. It can be clearly seen that in Australia, coal was the main source both in 1980 and 2000. Looking at the pie charts related to Australia it...
by Shahab Hosseinzadeh | Aug 24, 2023 | Economy and Business, Society and Community, Task 1 report, Writing samples
The line graph and pie charts given provide data on economic growth, as well as household spending patterns in housing, food, clothing, entertainment, travel, and other from 1995 to 2010. In 1995, economic growth was approximately 1 per cent. The pie chart for that...