Did you know these words are uncountable?

Did you know these words are uncountable?

Did you know these words are uncountable? How well you know countable and uncountable words? Surprisingly, one of the most problematic areas of IELTS is the misuse of countable and uncountable nouns. Here is a little quiz for you; choose the correct alternative. 1:...
Why we forget words

Why we forget words

This is the Secondary Title We all forget things; there is no doubt about it. But when it comes to language learning it is quite painful to see the precious vocabulary you have learned fade over time, isn’t it? To stop this, you should learn how our memory...
A lesson in memory of Nelson Mandela

A lesson in memory of Nelson Mandela

 Transcription-listening can do magic Listening for comprehension is very common in English classes, and of course learners should listen to a lot of English every day. But is that all? In this lesson, you will learn how to improve your English by transcribing...