A new approach to vocabulary learningHave you heard of Spaced Repetition? It is a learning technique in which items are memorised by reviewing them at increasing intervals. The best intervals are: 5 seconds, 25 seconds, 2 minutes, 10 minutes, 1 hour, 5 hours, 1 day, 5...
Mehdi Safavi
IELTS Juice Online Academy
14 English phrases for describing relationships
How to talk about your relationship status?Do you find it difficult to understand relationship statuses (for example on social networking websites like Facebook)? Don't worry! You're not alone. Tomorrow is 14 Feb 2014 (Hint: Valentine's Day!) and in this week's lesson...
Learn English with Fun
Tediuos or fun, that is the question.Who says learning English must be difficult and boring? If you think it is not possible to learn English with fun, think again. In this lesson, you'll get familiar with two places on the web where learning English can be fun....
6 myths about the IELTS speaking exam
Is it true that in IELTS speaking ...?IELTS is a worldwide English language testing system which is recognised by institutions around the globe as a reliable indicator of an individual's competency in the use of English. It could be argued that the IELTS exam is the...
How to write and read dates in English
One more step towards your success in IELTSWriting dates may differ from one language to another. Do you know how to write dates correctly in English? For success in IELTS, it is very important to learn the right date formats especially for the listening and writing...
Why trees lose their leaves
A standard paragraphThis is a standard paragraph that expresses only the writer's opinion. Remember! In the IELTS writing test (Task 2), you are assessed based on your writing skills and good support, not your opinions or facts. Trees shed their leaves for three...
What IELTS scores mean
How are the scores calculated in IELTS ?IELTS tests your English at all levels of proficiency, and the scores range from 0 to 9.0 in the four modules of listening, reading, writing and speaking. The results from the four parts then produce an Overall Band Score. For...
English with Crosswords
A fun method for spelling practice Is it "calender" or "calendar"?, Is it "necessary" or "neccessary"?, Is it "Wednsday" or "Wednesday"? Like it or not, IELTS expects you to spell your answers correctly, and doing crosswords is an excellent way to learn/revise...
“among” and “between” are Trickier than you Think
How to use "among" and "between" correctlyFill in the gaps: a) Let's share this cake *........... John, Jack, and Jane. b) *........... my friends, I only trust John. (*Answers at the bottom of this lesson) Many people believe “between” should be used for choices of...
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Coquitlam, BC, Canada
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